Here are the main things we plan to work on for the month of May:
1) Planning Management: the new system will allow you to easily plan the work of employees and see, at the end of the planned period,
- the ratio between the time spent and the time allocated by projects
- the total time planned by tasks
- ...
2) Improve the Server Actions: as we found some lack, like the impossibility of using 'uid' as variable, we plan to make some R&D on this interesting feature to make it more powerful.
3) Implement the search function on osv_memory
4) Speed up timesheets: we realized that they were a little slow, so we decided to check the design and improve the speed.
5) Improve Quality Module
6) in CRM, we plan to add info to connect to existing mail server, like Fetchmail, for people that doesn't want or doesn't have the resource to configure the openerp-mailgateway
7) ETL: we have several people full time on this project
8) Multi-Company: we will add a many2many on res_users to depicts the companies for whom the user is working. And we'll also allow someone to directly change the company used currently easily, without having to log out: directly by going through the user preferences + display it in the status bar
9) Clean Translations Process
10) Integration Server: this point is quite a big project, we will start the development of an integration server that will have for aim (examples):
- Automatic Test at new Commits: Download Code at each commit and try: to install a new DB, to migrate from 4.2
- Base Quality: to benchmark automatically addons modules
- Code Cover at DB Installation: to see that demo data only cover 60% of once module code for example
11) Ergonomic Search + List: This is another big task, since we plan to review the design and ergonomy of search/list because The biggest useability/ergonomy concern on Open ERP are:
- * The menus: too big, too much entry for the same objects -> not clear
- * The search:
- - no easy way to perform complex search (&, |)
- - no way to have smart search:
- - My Department's Timesheets to Validate
- - My Overpassed Pending Tasks
- * The list view:
- - quite ugly: no way to group elements:
- - tasks by projects or
- - by date: Today's Meeting / Tomorrow's Meetings / Others Meetings
- - not useful (no way to perform easy actions on records from list view):
- - mark a task as done
- - replanning a meeting
If we change these few elements, this will increase a lot the usability and
ergonomy of Open ERP. These changes are planned to be done in GTK and Web client.
12) Explain contextual help in configuration wizard at installation of db.
13) Port everything to etree instead of minidom
Remove completely minidom dependencies and replace by etree.
Most important: reports, fields_view_get
14) Report Engine: Test and clean all reports based on work made last month + Add a new report engine to process HTML reports based on mako
15) Document Management: test and put in production with extra modules
16) Wiki: re-test and provide a more complete documentation
Write a chapter in the book about the wiki, write a more complete wiki page
17) Project Module: Set Task Description as a wiki field
18) eTiny
- Bugfix Trunk (nearly ok)
- Speed Improvement (nearly ok)
- Search and List View Ergonomy
- Better Dynamic Menu
- Buttons in wizards in the bottom
- Contextual doc in new window
- Things to clean: view editor: gantt support, new attributes for seach view (see related task)
19) Import / Export from client side, GTK + eTiny
Using "id" and "___:id" for man2one and many2many fields
Add an option to export:
- import compatible: it exports something that can be imported as it:
- don't export function fields
- don't export sub-objects of one2many and many2many
- export many2many as list of arguments
20) Google-Map/Earth : Finnish and clean geo-marketing stuff
21) Finnish and clean l10n_fr: Integrate CERFA declaration
22) Translations: Check that 100% of the software can be translated! Check if google_translate module is a good solution or not. Review manually all translated terms of the french translation.
23) Test Thunderbird plugin
24)Review completly project_gtd module according to new possibilities of
ergonomy of the clients:
Search on timeboxes display as selection box and has two buttons:
Daily Timebox (first one)
Context Search:
One button by Context
Add buttons in list view on the right of Timebox field:
> (move on next timebox, ex: from daily to weekly)
< (move on previous timebox) My Inbox is an action 25) Review completly CRM case views according to new possibilities of ergonomy of the clients: Buttons/Icons in list view (like in forms) Search Criteria 1 Day 26) New Design eTiny 27) Module Recorder / Aspirateur To bugfix and to clean the produced XML: it should be more human readable 28) Backport all bugfixes stable -> trunk:
29) Portal: Make the portal module useable 'out-of-the-box'
The ORM layer is being ported to SQL Alchemy. We plan to remain the most
compatible possible so that you will not have to rewrite existing modules,·
while using the most possible of SQL Alchemy features. We planned 3 man*months. on this project and expect to finnish this by the end of may / middle of june. The final result will provide:
- being database independant: support for MySQL, Oracle
- use the power of SQLAlchemy in your module's code
- add features provided by SQL Alchemy
- data versioning (time dependant dat in fields)
- better schema migrations/handling
- more powerful orm, supporting expressions like: == 'Belgium"
- use less memory due to a better connection pool handling
We will keep the best of SQL Alchemy (object queries, db independance) and the best of Open ERP (smart migration system, workflow integration, smart function fields with cache or dependencies, ...)
31) Finish training / school management modules.
We are expecting same level of enthusiasm and contribution from Open ERP community as past.
Thank you
Open ERP team