Now translate Open ERP terms / fields / objects etc. in any language, as we have made it easier for you with the integration of Google Translate.
We have developed new module which can translate your terms using google translate, You can find menu here: Administration / Translation / Application terms / need review terms…
Google Translate

After Translation

Enjoy using your favorite OpenERP application with Google Translation.
You can get these modules on launchpad in trunk-extra-addon
Name of the module
1. Google_translate
OpenERP Team.
Good job, OpenERP is the best open ERP!
RépondreSupprimerthanks mohammed,
You can look other modules also..google_earth, google_calenadar, google_blogger on trunk-extra-addons...
Mustufa (
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i have error,
RépondreSupprimerTraceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/", line 244, in dispatch
result = LocalService(service_name)(method, *params)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/", line 73, in __call__
return getattr(self, method)(*params)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/service/", line 639, in execute
return self._execute(db, uid, wiz_id, datas, action, context)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/service/", line 619, in _execute
return wiz.execute(db, uid, self.wiz_datas[wiz_id], action, context)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/wizard/", line 177, in execute
res = self.execute_cr(cr, uid, data, state, context)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/wizard/", line 73, in execute_cr
action_res = action(self, cr, uid, data, context)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/addons/", line 84, in _translate
tran_obj.write(cr, uid,, {'value':value, 'need_review':False})
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/addons/base/ir/", line 161, in write
self._get_source.clear_cache(cursor.dbname, user, trans_obj['name'], trans_obj['type'], lang=context.get('lang','en_US'))
TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str
This is a very interesting perspective, however I think judging someone's ability to do a job solely based upon their handwriting is a little unfair. I know my handwriting changes depending on what I am writing. I also think the fact that pretty much nothing is written by hand today; from a college to an email, that this can affect people's handwriting for the worse.
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